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Emotions Affect Our Health

We store emotions in our physical body. Emotion is an invisible form of energy! Sometimes we say the tension in a room is so strong we could cut it with a knife. That is because emotions have frequencies. These frequencies affect the cells of the body. Bruce R. McConkie’s entry for the "Book of Life" in Mormon Doctrine (p 97) validates the belief in storing emotion. "

In a real though figurative sense, the book of life is the record of the acts of men as such record is written in their own bodies. It is the record engraven on the very bones, sinews, and flesh of the mortal body. That is, every thought, word, and deed has an affect on the human body; all these leave their marks, marks which can be read by Him who is Eternal as easily as the words in a book can be read....The Great Judge will then read the record of the book of their lives; the account of their obedience or disobedience will be written in their bodies."

I believe that Jesus mentions storing emotion in the body when he says things like my bowels are filled with compassion and mercy, or let thy bowels be full of charity (See also 1 Colossians 3:12) Eccles 7:9 says, "Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry; for anger resteth in the bosom of fools." Disease has an emotional root because we store emotion in the soft tissues, especially the major organs. Certain frequencies are attracted to certain parts in our body.

It is interesting that in studies of heart transplant recipients, significant numbers experience new personality characteristics which correspond to the heart donor’s likes, habits, & tendencies. Other thought -provoking instances are those labeled with multiple personality disorder who only exhibit a certain medical condition when they are a specific personality. The minute they switch to another personality, the physical condition is immediately resolved! As an example, one case involved blood test levels of diabetes disappearing instantly only to re-emerge later when that personality reappeared. An internationally known neuroscientist says, " The body is the unconscious mind! Repressed traumas caused by overwhelming emotion can be stored in a body part, thereafter affecting our ability to feel that part or even move it." (Candace Pert, Molecules of Emotion, p 141)