Cristine Price Hull, PhD introduces her Frequency School and then author Tamara Laing. Tamara answers the question: “Are chi and chakras for Christians?” and addresses storing emotions in one’s body. Tamara mentions finding help for her teenage daughter who was suicidal, cutting and diagnosed with bipolar.
About 20 other Summit speakers were recorded. All of these presentations are available to watch on the Health, Healing and Wholeness YouTube channel
Here is Tamara’s second class taught at this online event with Cindy Toone on the Quantum level day.
Preview Tamara Laing’s course “Facing the Energy Healing Controversy” at
Tamara on YouTube
Here is a presentation to “Sisters of Liberty” where Tamara had spoken a few times previously. It does not teach the foundational principles taught there earlier, such as how the spirit of life (life force energy) is spoken of many times by prophets and scripture. This class gets into more advanced topics as well as situations where church leaders did or did not understand principles used in the field of Energy Medicine (sometimes called energy healing).
Tamara has had an interesting journey hearing from local church leaders and authorities various opinions about what women can and can’t do. This pressed her to research the subject of women, spiritual gifts of healing, and power in the priesthood. Her research turns up surprising answers for some people. One paradox she faced was when a Bishop, Stake President and a General Authority all told her that women can’t cast out evil spirits. Her research showed that the Bible, modern day apostles and the prophet Joseph Smith ALL taught that women CAN exercise faith to do so. Later, more modern teachings from the brethren about women and priesthood power clarified this understanding. Tamara is grateful for President Russell M. Nelson’s challenge to study everything possible on such topics.
A sneak peak of Tamara’s Generational Clearing Workshop
A short & sweet interview
It all began with a question. “What step to feel good daily could you share on my show?” Lona asked. We end with that and also talk briefly about Rapid Eye Technology, generational patterns, Lona’s essential oil tips and my books.
A short interview with Dr. Shane and Liz Watt
Tamara is interviewed briefly before the Watts put on their BeHealthyUtah event in Sandy, UT. They touch on Rapid Eye Technology, how Tamara found the field of Energy Medicine, and a little bit about her books.