Tamara Tamara


Early bird tickets on sale now 

for the Layton, UT

Energy Healing Conference Nov. 13 

Schedule is below. 

Enter a comment to win 2 free tickets on my facebook page. 

I will be there with my new book!
Spiritual Repatterning of Abuse

"How do you confront hidden darkness?. . . .
Find inspiration, healing and enlightenment within these pages."
Dr. Chris Palmer

Fascinating stories on priesthood power!
We have been charged by the Savior, Isaiah, Jacob, Moroni and Joseph Smith to remove curses of the fathers to the 3rd and 4th generation.
Wake up to what is possible!

Stay clear in between sessions with professionals.
Spiritual processes to clear sexual abuse, SRA, trauma...
Arms with knowledge, tools and power. An education on what to ask for.

Safety precautions and practical approaches.

A reviewer wrote:
"Life-changing for all of my clients, not just the ones who struggle with SRA. It includes powerful tools. . . . I have been astounded at how it tackles [issues]. I use the information in this book on all of my clients. It's that powerful."

Chapter headings and more info is on the "3rd Book" tab up at the top of the page. Purchase your copy on the right sidebar or at the


Ticket on sale now!

November 13, 2021

8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Davis Conference Center

1651 North 700 West 
Layton, Utah 84041

Virtual tickets only see Stratus rooms 8&9

Sale Prices valid until 11/08    Tickets and info at

(2022 Upcoming Events:
St. George, UT
Mesa, AZ
Logan, UT
Idaho Falls, ID)

Watch Tamara's classes
at the Firm Foundation 

here: https://firmfoundationexpo.org/ They include

and these classes:

Hidden Pieces to Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar...

Our story of finding real help for our daughter who was riddled with anxiety, suicidal thoughts and cutting as a teenager. This class will share root causes to consider, the best answers we found and a bit of science. Learn what you can do to assist your loved one!

Other classes Tamara taught at the Firm Foundation include:
"Of Visions, Healing and Divine Science" 
"Women, Priesthood and Generational Clearing"
and "Energy Healing in LDS Lingo."

 Tamara's VIMEO on Demand Channel is up!

Watch my free trailer on Chakras... at 

Deep Emotion Release (DER) 
4 hour Hands-on Class    

Learn how to clear generational issues, trapped emotions/trauma and 'darkness' through the EYES.

Practice clearing through the EYES to actually see darkness leaving, generational issues shifting and trapped emotional trauma lifting. Hear validating quotes from the brethren and scripture on principles used in DER. Understand curses to the 3rd and 4th generation and what you can do about it.  Learn to clear layers of dysfunctional family patterns.  Practice DER processes on yourself and learn to work at a distance.

These classes have been held in UT, AZ, WY and ID. 

Class Attendees Say:

"Loved, loved, loved your class. I honor the time you have spent in tying the scriptures
and gospel doctrine to healing energy and energy/spiritual healing."  
"Very enlightening."   "Fabulous. Can't get enough!"
"I feel a bigger difference after DER than other modalities."
"The class really helped me gain more confidence in using DER!"
"An excellent, professional presentation"
"I have studied 21 different modalities and this one goes
 deep into the layers of generational issues." 
"What a beautiful woman you are. DER is so much different from any 
modality I have ever studied. So much to ponder and pray about."
"Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful gifts. I appreciate all your study and prayer. You have given so freely. You are amazing."
"I am loving the openness of your class. The spirit was strong. You are a sweet
 teacher. Thanks for all you do. I am grateful for your trials and 
what you have learned. I feel well nourished."
"I love the scriptural references and the stories. It gives faith 
and power to what we are learning. So many great techniques."
"This has truly been a spiritually healing experience. I cannot thank you enough."
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Tamara Tamara

The Amazing Stephan Family Story Continues

My name is Tony Stephan, and this is the story of how my family overcame mental illness, after devastating loss.  In 1994 I had been married to my beloved wife Debbie for 23 years. During that time, we lost her father to suicide. He had struggled with severe depression, and in 1978, fatally overdosed on medications to escape his suffering. Then, sixteen years later, my beloved wife Debbie succumbed to the same fate . . . suicide.

Debbie had been diagnosed with Bipolar Affective Disorder 1 with Rapid Cycling.  One day she simply ended it.  The pain was unbearable.  It was like somebody took a chalkboard eraser and wiped out the most precious part of my life.

It got worse.  My son Joseph, fifteen years old, and his older sister, Autumn, were diagnosed

with the same illness.  Joseph was getting more violent and dangerous.  He was on 750 to 900 milligrams of Lithium or Carbolith per day, and he was just a lost soul.

There was one bright spot in this period, as I was blessed with a wonderful and supportive new wife, Barbara.  Barbara sought assistance for Joseph from a noted psychiatrist.  We went and met, praying for answers and hope.  Instead the Doctor became upset with me and asked Barbara to take Joseph out in the waiting room.  When the door closed it was like a shotgun going off in my face.  This noted psychiatrist said, "Mr. Stephan you need a reality check.  Don't you see it?  What you see is what you've got.  He's not going to get better."

My daughter, Autumn, was in and out of the psychiatric ward constantly.  Drugs didn't work.  Autumn was on five psychiatric med: Haldol, Rivotril, Epival, Ativan and Cogentin; and she was out of control: suicidal one minute, explosive the next - unable to care for herself... or her family.


I started to pray.  I started to fast.  I started to search.  I started to ask everyone, "Do you know anything about bipolar?"  There just had to be an answer... somewhere!

One day it came.  I was talking to a friend I was working with, and telling him about how bad it was in our family with Joseph's and Autumn's illnesses.  He said that he didn't understand mental conditions, but he explained to me that he had spent twenty years in the agricultural industry.  He said, "You know, I looked after hundreds of thousands of animals, and we used to see this in the hog pens... these animals would have this disorder, sometimes, called Ear-and Tail-Biting Syndrome.  These animals would often become aggressive and hyper-irritable."  My thoughts turned to Joseph and his violent rages.

As my friend told me how the animals become extremely irritable and enraged, and about the explosive behavior, he said, "You know, we learned very quickly from the agricultural literature, the scientific literature, that you could nutrate away the disorder with good nutrition." In that instant I had an epiphany.  A burden was lifted and a sense of peace and light enveloped by mind.  I knew that God has just given me the answer:  Nutrition!

On January 17, 1996, almost two years to the day that my wife had committed suicide, we moved forward and starting loading micronutrients into Joseph.  Within thirty days, my son no longer exhibited any symptoms whatsoever of bipolar disorder.  It was gone! I remember sitting on the couch with him after six weeks and him saying to me, "Dad! Dad! ... Where was I?  What happened to me?  Why was I so angry?  Why was I so violent?"  And I said, "Joe, it doesn't matter. That was another day. It wasn't you.  It was the disorder."  There wasn't anything that we could do alone to correct the disorder; but the answer came, and I've never looked back -- and neither has Joseph.

My daughter Autumn was next.  Her husband had to work a graveyard shift so he dropped Autumn off at our home for a week as she could not be left alone.  It was then that I placed her on the same nutrient program as Joseph.  Within a few days she became calm... with dramatically fewer mood swings.  She was able to care for herself and her young son.

Within 45 days she was clear of all of her five medications. Both Autumn and Joseph have been well (as of 2013) for over eighteen years. Autumn has written a best seller titled, A Promise of Hope, published in 2007 by Harper Collins and available on Amazon.com.

When Autumn and Joseph were made well, many people in the community started to come for help with their loved ones.  After they tried the program and experienced the same results as my children, we started working with university researchers like world-renowned behavioral research scientist from the University of Calgary, Dr. Bonnie J. Kaplan.  Dr. Kaplan's research was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry in 2001, which is the largest psychiatric journal in the world.  Soon there were other research studies and publications.  The University of Calgary, Harvard University, Ohio State University - Department of Psychiatry, The University of Canterbury, New Zealand, and many others.  There are now researchers [from 4 countries], 16 Universities and 34 medical Journal publications who have studied its effects on disorders like:
                                ADHD                                                          Autism  
                                Obsessive-compulsive disorder                 Bipolar affective disorder   
                                PTSD                                                            Addiction
                                Anxiety                                                         Stress                              
                                Depression                                                   early Alzheimers & Dementia

It's about restoration. It's about hope...healing...and health. Millions of bottles have been shared and over 100,000 souls have said, "Thank you" for this product.  . . .  I don't know if it will work for you or your loved ones, but it might… that is my true hope.

Try it now.
Tony Stephan

Tony’s new technology delivers the same ratio faster and more efficiently!  EMP Lightning bypasses the gut & goes directly into the bloodstream! A real GAME CHANGER!
It’s a powder in a stik, in 3 flavors kids love!
                                                              Just pour it on the tongue for calm, coping and clarity!

Trial packs or bags sold by Tamara at:   https://Hope.Renovaworldwide.com

Call Micronutrient Support Services at 1-866-397-3116 for dosage or if already taking Rx meds.

Their Amazing Story Continues...
In April 2019 Tony Stephan offers the Empowerplus formula advanced by technology for increased absorption!

It has gone through 5 additional steps to become EMP Lightning which doesn't have to go through the gut! Just sprinkle it on your tongue and it's absorbed into the bloodstream!
Feel a difference quick as lightning.

Order yours here: https://Hope.Renovaworldwide.com 

Hear Autumn's story of finding ANSWERS for bipolar that have helped 100,000+ people

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Tamara Tamara

Incredible Help for Bipolar, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, OCD,.. and other Brain Disorders

Let me tell you about what I learned after I wrote my book, Healing Arts- A Gift from God. I read a remarkable book about another daughter who had bipolar. It reminded me at times of our own experiences. That book is a great gift to the world!  In it Autumn tells about her dedicated father in Canada who found a radically different approach to bipolar THAT WORKED!  Autumn didn't believe it could work at first . . . but it did because the Lord was behind its inception. God's fingerprints are all over this family's incredible story that includes fasting and prayer.  

"A Promise of Hope is the story of Autumn's flight from madness to wellness and an astonishing scientific account of a treatment that has also helped thousands of others. It is a powerful call for a new understanding of mental illness, its causes and its treatments.  ©2007 Autumn Stringham; (P)2007 HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.

The formulation produced by Autumn's father and the man he was led to, David Hardy,  has blessed over 90,000 people with a wide variety of mood disorders! My daughter is one of them. She had problems beyond post partum depression after the birth of each of her children.    

My daughter used the same high dose vitamins and balanced minerals treatment as Autumn, called EMPowerplus. 

The very first week on this formula my daughter experienced much less anxiety. Then she noticed she had way less negative intrusive thoughts. Under her doctor's care she was able to significantly lower her psychiatric medications, replacing them with Empowerplus.  My daughter is thrilled to be doing something natural and without any of the prescriptions' side effects. My son has also been able to largely replace a prescription for sleep with Empowerplus. Both of my adult children are using Empowerplus Advanced. 

My clients report: better sleep, much less anxiousness, less negative intrusive thoughts, and a whole lot less mind racing. They feel much less "down", far more joy - and even energy.  This proper ratio of high dose vitamins and minerals certainly helped my daughter recover from postpartum depression (along with the emotional release work she did in energy healing).

EMPowerplus has been proven effective in usage and clinical research for depression, stress, ADHD, Anxiety, PTSD, Autism, Bipolar disorder, OCD, Rage, Brain Injury, Trauma, ODD, Addictive Behaviors, and early Alzheimer's and Dementia. 

I sell this product here: 

This approach, a nano chelated and micronized micronutrient, fits perfectly with what God woke me up at 4 am to learn of years ago: "Our cells make the sparks of Chi, but its flow is held by the minerals. . . .  Minerals are not the entire story for Chi, but they are an important part." (Parris M. Kidd PhD quoted in Farley M. Anderson, Nature's Answer, 38)  Apparently, when one is nutrient and mineral deficient, life force energy (the life-giving energy from Jesus Christ that is also a mental light) is not flowing through the body as it could be.

Harvard Psychiatrist Charles Popper, M.D.  wrote in the afterword to Autumn Stringam’s book, A Promise of Hope:
“Autumn’s enthusiasm for her treatment is justified. By all accounts [it] changed her life more profoundly than conventional medications could. The success in her case is undeniable. And there are thousands more like her.
. . . Controlled scientific studies are in the works [and] the initial findings are particularly challenging to physicians because they do not fit easily into current psychiatric knowledge or theory on bipolar disorder. For patients and physicians alike, it would be a mistake to off-handedly dismiss it.
Charles Popper, M.D. Harvard Medical School Aug. 2007

I'm convinced that humble father, Tony Stephan, discovering a connection between micro-nutrient deficiency and mental health was much more than luck. In her book, Autumn wrote of her father speaking these words:
“We have won a new respect for the mentally ill. They are no longer hopeless if they find Truehope. They are no longer stigmatized if they go on to live a life like the one you are living now. . . . Liberty, Autumn, we won liberty for the captives! Are you trapped anymore? No. Are you afraid anymore? No."
[Then Autumn recounts]  I can hear him pounding his steering wheel the way he used to thump the pulpit, before Mom died, before his life was changed forever. And it brings tears to my eyes. “We won a battle that we never even wanted to fight, and there has been a power behind this that goes way beyond our abilities... We won before the fight even started because this victory isn’t mine and it isn’t David’s. It’s an answer to prayer, Autumn. It’s a miracle. It’s a miracle. We have won the right for you to choose to be well, to help as many people as you want to, to help them find their way out of the darkness of mental illness. Autumn, Bonnie Kaplan said it years ago, and I believe it. This may be the most significant breakthrough in mental health since the beginning of time.”    (Autumn Stringam, A Promise of Hope, 270)

Those words bring tears to my eyes, too. This is a breakthrough of epic proportion! The above words give me hope that someday, with the research getting to a mainstream audience, the stigma associated with so-called mental issues can vanish. This feeling is marked by Dr. Popper's words, "Make no mistake, this is an historically significant piece of work that is being done."

 "Changes the way psychiatry will be practiced." Dr. Bonnie Kaplan (PhD University of Calgary, Pediatrics)

A psychiatrist, Julia Rucklidge, tells it like it is in this video: 

God bless Tony Stephan's children! His wife did not die in vain! I count myself extremely blessed to benefit from their story, learning and sacrifices. My family's health is improving because of them and my heart is filled with gratitude.I feel it an honor to introduce this noble family's story to others. I am likewise grateful for David Hardy and his family.   

Despite humble beginnings, this formula has netted over 30 medical journal publications and studies by 23 universities in 4 countries.  Over 5000 doctors are promoting this product! Third party research continues (see www.micronutrientsupport.com). 

There is hope! 
Optimize your mood naturally and quickly. Some people know in days if this product is working for them. Others need weeks before the benefits show. 

I sell EMPowerplus & the new powdered form of it, EMP Lightning which bypasses the gut here:

Contact Micronutrient Support Services to receive advice on a dosage specific to your needs.  You do not want to be over medicated and have the mistaken idea that this supplement isn't working, when it is actually working too well and you require LESS of your Rx. 

To read "The Story of True Hope - EMPowerplus"  by Tony Stephan  

This is a picture of Autumn Stringam and I at her book review in Lehi, UT.  She is a delightful person! 

My family and clients are experiencing great differences now that we understand mental clarity, calmness and focus are related not only to what I wrote about in my book (spiritual, emotional and generational aspects) but also to overcoming micronutrient deficiency. What a paradigm shift!

To your health!   


It is very interesting to me that scientist Dr. Yury Kronn says, 
“The difference between the ability of mineralized and distilled waters to hold Subtle Energy patterns suggests that minerals are playing the role of "capacitors" or holders of Subtle EnergyIt could very well be that minerals play the same role in the human body."   
(Dr. Yury Kronn, PhD; Dr. Jeffrey Marrongelle, DC, CCN; Robert C. Eanes;  “Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine: New Paradigms, New Technologies, New Possibilities”;  www.pureenergyrx.com; white paper)

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