Spiritual Repatterning of Abuse

“How do you confront the hidden darkness?
Find inspiration, healing and enlightenment within these pages."

–Dr. Chris Palmer

Fascinating stories on priesthood power!

An education on what to ask for, safety precautions and dozens of practical approaches, charts, scripts and processes.

We have been charged with a responsibility to put on priesthood power and remove curses. This was repeated by the Savior, Isaiah, Jacob, Moroni and Joseph Smith. Wake up to what is possible!

Spiritual Repatterning of Abuse

What People Are Saying

"[This book] has been life-changing for all of my clients, not just the ones who struggle with SRA. It includes powerful tools to remove entities, painful patterns, and stuck beliefs that I have not been able to release until I started using the book. It clears and releases on the deepest levels. I have been astounded at how it tackles and destroys generational patterns, curses, and addictions. I use the information in this book on all of my clients. It's that powerful…

It has been a tender and gentle way to work on root issues with my SRA clients. I believe the book is a gift from God to help us accomplish work we wouldn’t be able to do without it. I am so grateful."— J.H.

“This book feels like a handbook. It brings to light some things that were done in the early days of the church. It is full disclosure.”

— K.H.

“There is so much information here! Thank you so very much!”— A DNA inheritor of SRA abuse memories

“Thank you for writing a book about treating SRA. I am a trauma therapist. I use old school traditional trauma therapy (very few know what that is anymore.) It deals with trauma on a cellular level. I also guest lecture at ASU on neuropsychology. Yet, with all of my knowledge and training I could tell I was still missing a piece. I prayed a long time to find answers on how to treat trauma better. Your books are very helpful. Thank you again for your efforts and inspiration.” — K

“Bless you brave women for
sharing this important work! ”

— Tam Pendleton

“Tamara is tackling a difficult topic, often left in the shadows or spoken of in whispers. Sister Wendy Watson Nelson. . . was asked about abuse. She stated, ‘It’s important to break the conspiracy of silence. If you don’t talk about it then you can’t get the support… So speak up. Speak out and tell everybody!’ Tamara’s book is doing just this! She is speaking up and speaking out. . . .Receive the enabling and healing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ” — T.C.

"This will bring hope that healing is possible and does come from the one on one Atonement of Jesus Christ. Bless you."

— S.L.

“I bought a copy for all my local church leaders.”

— An SRA survivor

"I use this book with almost every client for domestic violence, faith traumas, really any traumas." —C.D.

“I have a program for SRA clients... This book cuts the time down…!" —S.B.

“Thank you! I knew my children had had sexual abuse but wasn't aware of the ancestral SRA abuse they were carrying. I did the very deep release process and noticed immediate differences.” —S. A.

Chapters Include:

Chapter 1 Calling Witnesses

Chapter 2 Safety Measures

Chapter 3 Priesthood Power

Chapter 4 Spiritual Warfare

Chapter 5 Spiritual Devices, Curses and Locations

Chapter 6 Spiritual Repatterning

Chapter 7 Armor and the Power to Rebuke;

Chapter 8 Forgiveness - A Touchy Subject

Chapter 9 Gratitude and Perceptions

Chapter 10 What I Learned Through SRA Abuse by B

Chapter 11 Thoughts from Facilitators

Chapter 12  Author Shawna Draper 

Chapter 13   Author Kenneth McCall, MD

Chapter 14   Author Wade Hairfield

Chapter 15   Author MK Strydom

Chapter 16   Other Authors and Websites

Chapter 17   SRA Blueprint by Tam

Chapter 18   Breaking Contracts by Kathi

Chapter 19   Rapid Eye Technology

Chapter 20  Put On the Full Armor of God by H

Chapter 21   Closing Words 

Preface to the book:

We believe that all true healing comes from Jesus Christ, the Master Healer, who proclaimed “I am the light and the life of the world.” (3 Ne. 11:10-11) Christ’s light overcomes the darkness and dark works of this world. This book will help the reader learn what can be done about liberating from the energy of sexual and ritual abuse, evil influences, what scripture calls “darkness,” curses, hexes, spells, and much more.

Some people must first be awoken to the fact that an unseen “world” of darkness exists around us. Sometimes it is surprising that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are uneducated about this. Elder Elray L. Chistiansen taught, “This enemy of God and of man dwells in the earth!  But I fear that too many of us refuse to recognize his actual existence along with those who follow him and those in the flesh who have become enticed and blinded by him, perhaps not with their own knowledge, nevertheless having become his agents.” [1] Oak Norton wrote,

Even among believers, there is tremendous doubt that these unseen and unwelcome interlopers exist and are afflicting us outside the range or role of “tempters” who try to get us to do wrong as if they aren’t trying to fully abrogate our agency and harm and control our bodies and minds. Why don’t we discuss this more and recognize why Jesus taught it so much? It’s not like Satan has retreated in our day. He’s only gotten stronger as wickedness increases and people ignore his powers and influence.[2]




Pastors of other churches warn about evil spirits boldly, some painting sizeable scriptures about casting them out on their sanctuary walls. Author and pastor Jack Hayford teaches rightly, “We are waging war against the powers of darkness (see Ephes. 6:12). We have to be convinced not only that that realm exists, but that we have been commissioned to do battle there. We often look at prayer warriors as people who are particularly called or anointed to this type of ministry. Yet, God calls all His children to this kind of prayer.” [3] Dear reader, we hope to increase your understanding that you can be a warrior for Jesus Christ and do battle for Him through prayer! Elder Larry R. Lawrence said, “Brigham Young taught that we need to study the enemy’s tactics in order to defeat him;”[4] Here in this book is an education on how to overcome the enemy’s tactics. If you are not sure that Satan’s unseen followers exist and can contribute to illness and problems, it will be helpful to first read my book Healing Arts-A Gift From God. This book builds upon that information.

This book came about because the Holy Spirit whispered to gather as a group of women who were willing to help others overcome Satanic Ritual Abuse. As we met in person from different states and then corresponded, a collection of helpful advice and clearing tools were shared. These helps came from Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors, facilitators of various Energy Medicine modalities who assisted them, and the facilitators these survivors often became themselves over time. The lack of this kind of beneficial information existing all in one place is a need we saw and we had a desire to assist in filling that need. It is our intention with this book to help liberate suffering and give hope! We desire to strengthen faith, and offer spiritually-based processes to assist others when they need basic help in between sessions with professional facilitators as well as sharing ideas from facilitators for facilitators.

If you are a victim of SRA abuse, WE TRUST THAT YOU ARE GETTING PROFESSIONAL HELP from someone who works with SRA clients. THIS IS NOT SOMETHING TO WORK THROUGH ON YOUR OWN! A professional manual states, “A gradual dissolution of barriers occurs through acceptance of increasing awareness of memories… When previously repressed information begins to emerge it is likely to be a painful and difficult time.”[5] A real danger exists! Some victims end up in the behavioral health unit of a hospital. We are aware of one case where the victim would go unconscious whenever treatments began. This was her coping mechanism. Abreactions of going out of control are possible. This is no place for a novice. Some victims have been so badly traumatized that they have psychological problems. In these instances, the ideas included in this book are to be applied by qualified professionals with experience with these disorders.

The first time I suggested to a male client that it was possible to release programming from SRA with Rapid Eye Technology, he was both encouraged and hesitant. He was very concerned about what could possibly happen to me, the facilitator as well as himself if we tried to remove dark programs with failsafes. He asked if I would like a priesthood blessing before beginning. At that time, I had assisted a few other people with this type of abuse and was surprised by his reaction. It helped me to better understand the seriousness of this type of abuse! I had much to learn. I took him up on his offer and it brought an added spirit of peace to myself, to him and to my office.

The heinous abuse and mighty struggles endured with SRA is not well understood. In fact, family, friends, loved ones and local church leaders sometimes cannot even fathom that it exists. That so many skeptics exist is another reason we have written this book. We declare that this type of abuse is both incredibly intense and real! It certainly exists but is not very well known or understood. There is an international commission gathering testimonies on child sex abuse and human trafficking. The late Chief Counsel Robert David Steele said in London:

This is a court of inquiry, it’s not an adversarial court. It’s a nonprofit educational event. With enormous energy and intelligence, all of us have been brought together to try to bring out some of the aspects. I’ve prepared an Overview Statement based on my work these many last weeks.…As a parent and a patriot, I am absolutely outraged by what we are allowing to happen to our children. Humanity is judged on how you treat the weakest member of the society.…

These children are not just kidnapped - and in some cases bred by families as a cash crop. We have people in the U.S.A. that breed children in order to sell them. And when they are sold, they come without birth certificates which means it’s easier to kill them and have no one ask where they are. We are also importing children by the plane load, again children who have no documentation. It’s not just child slavery or child sex abuse, it’s also child torture, because you have adrenalized blood. You have the whole blood drinking ceremony of the satanic world …. And then you have ritual ceremonies and ritual murder as well as incidental murder. . . .

I know the system. I’ve been a spy all over the world. I have created the Marine Corp Intelligence Command. I have trained Intelligence and law enforcement representatives, over 8000 of them, from across 66 countries. They are all, without exception, good people trapped in a bad system.  One of the most wonderful things that this court could achieve, now that we’ve had Pizzagate, for example, which opened people’s minds, we could achieve an opening of the public mind. . . and an absolute imperative from the public to governments…. [6]

We hope to open minds, also. The contributors to this book have assisted both men and women to release SRA as well as other types of abuse like sexual abuse, government abuse, and sex trafficking. They have used proven tools and techniques in the field of Energy Medicine - a growing field recognized by the National Institutes of Health. Energy Medicine is a field of medicine that uses non-toxic methods to balance the biological energy flow. These techniques and tools demonstrate the ability to clear and re-pattern the unseen subtle energy system of the body. This type of healing addresses the energetic foundation of life which is light. Light regulates all other systems. A new science is providing evidence that the body heals via communication through light! We declare that this light is from Jesus Christ who is the light and the life of the world!

Besides using Integrative Medicine tools and technologies, we endeavor to assist others by using spiritual methods such as prayer, expressions of faith, gospel principles, and spiritual gifts. We teach the reader how to release offensive energy. The clearing processes we share may be thought of as Spiritual Repatterning. This book offers varying forms and varieties of spiritual tools to choose from. The reader is free to use those that appeal to them. Some, however, are labeled for use only by professionally trained facilitators. Energy Medicine techniques as well as spiritual processes have assisted our clients. Both kinds of tools, the more secular as well as the spiritual ones have greatly increased our faith. However, the actual power of all these tools is in Jesus Christ! We are witnesses to his healing balm, his grace and his mercy. He is all-powerful!

This book may prove valuable for those who have not been ritually abused. Some information is applicable to a wider audience such as victims of sexual abuse and sex trafficking. It is possible that people could need relief from facilitators who are not working in the light of Christ. This information may additionally be helpful if a practice of witchcraft is found in ancestors on one’s family tree. Furthermore, if we go back far enough, we all have sexual abuse or Satanic Ritual Abuse that is not talked about in our family tree that needs to be cleared.

The information from certain chapters of this book has been shared with people going through various types of severe trauma or abuse who found the ideas to be beneficial and enlightening. For example, people who had lived in a one-hundred-year-old house experienced family members being attacked physically and emotionally by the adversary and his legions. They found that ideas shared from this book answered questions about repeated crises. They believe that the house they had lived in had been used for some SRA.

People who manage their way victorious through such things come out valiant warriors for Jesus Christ because they have to be! They have taught us (the contributors to this book)! We have seen seriously abused people go on to become some of the wisest and most compassionate people on the planet. Some abuse victims choose to become facilitators of clearing processes for others and are often the most gifted ones we know! Such people end up with numerous spiritual abilities and sensitivities and an everlasting certainty of the power of their loving Savior Jesus Christ.



Because Energy Medicine may be brand new to the reader, or those close to victims of severe abuse, a short explanation is called for. I intend to show briefly how intelligence in the Light of Christ that fills the immensity of space is related to a universal energy every modality of energy work speaks of. It is known by various names such as Chi, and is a vital life force that gives life and departs when we die.

Two authors, Darla Isackson and Peggy McFarland, MS, LCPC wrote a series of articles on how to treat depression by including some of Energy Medicine’s integrative medicine tools. In doing so, these authors shared an excellent short summary of principles about light and energy that apply to our subject. They explain in the fifth article of their series:

Our purpose in this article is to connect this concept of healing light with the gospel concept found in D&C 50:24: “That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.”

Let’s review a few principles covered previously in this series:

(1)  Our spiritual and emotional body is holistically connected to our physical body. To treat any

disease, we must consider all aspects of our being. Being able to connect to the emotions held in our body is an essential part of healing depression and related emotional illness.

(2) Within every cell of our bodies, within the very elements that comprise our bodies, is the light of Christ, literally, the “light” (energy) and “life” (life force) of the Creator of the world. The “breath of life discussed by King Benjamin (Mosiah 2:21) which preserves us, and allows us to “live and move” from “day to day” is a life force that surrounds and intelligently communicates with our cells. Consider this explanation by eminent molecular researcher, Candace Pert, PhD, “We know that the immune system, like the central nervous system, has memory and the capacity to learn. Thus, it could be said that intelligence is located not only in the brain but in cells that are distributed throughout the body, and that the traditional separation of mental processes, including emotions, from the body is no longer valid. [[7]]”

(3) Within each individual is a capacity for self-healing as we learn to access the resources inherent in our mind-body system. Many holistic or complimentary practitioners tell us their job is simply to remove obstacles that may be blocking the body from its natural ability to heal itself. The practice of mindfulness, “be still and know that I am God,” (discussed in Article IV) helps us learn to connect to our deepest spiritual and emotional selves; connect to God’s light, truth, and intelligence; and to connect to the multiple coping resources inherent in our mind and body system.[[8]]

Over a hundred years ago, Apostle James E. Talmage similarly wrote about principles that bring a person more of this hidden essence of Christ’s light - the life force energy. This finer, purer, intelligent, controlling mental light/spiritual fluid is expressed here in Talmage’s term “the forces of life.” [Brackets contain Talmage’s words from his previous 1919 edition.]

No earnest thinker, no sincere investigator supposes that he has yet learned of all the forces existing in and operating upon matter. . . .  Man knows but little respecting the enginery of creation; and yet the few forces known to him have brought about miracles and wonders… These mighty agencies, and the mightier ones still to man unknown,.. do not constitute the Holy Ghost, but are the agencies ordained to serve His purposes.

Subtler, mightier, and more mysterious still than any or all of the physical forces of nature, are the powers that operate upon conscious organisms, the means by which the mind, the heart, the soul of man may be energized by spiritual forces.  

In our ignorance of the true nature of electricity, we may speak of it as a fluid; and so by analogy the forces through which the mind is governed have been called spiritual fluids. The true nature of these manifestations of energy [“higher powers”] is unknown to us, for the elements of comparison and analogy, so necessary to our [“frail”] human reasoning, are wanting; nevertheless the effects are experienced by all.

As the conducting medium in an electric current is capable of conveying but a limited current, the maximum capacity [‘strength”] depending upon the resistance offered by the conductor, and, as separate circuits of different degrees of conductivity may carry currents of widely varying intensity, so human souls are of varied capacity with respect to the higher [“diviner”] powers.

But as the medium is purified, as obstructions are removed, so resistance to the energy decreases, and the forces manifest themselves with greater intensity. By analogous processes of purification, our spirits may be made more susceptible to the forces [“power”] of life, which are emanations from the Holy Spirit. [“The Spirit of God”.]

Therefore are we taught to pray by word and action for a constantly increasing portion of the Spirit, that is, the power of the Spirit, which is a measure of this gift of God unto us.[9]

The book in your hands offers ways “the medium is purified,” ways to remove obstructions so that there is less resistance to the spoken-of light and spirit. When Jesus Christ proclaims that He is the light and the life of the world, that He is the light of men, we believe Him! We believe He is telling us that He is the light of our cells and the light of our consciousness. He is the source and provider of the vital life force energy the world speaks of. Parley P. Pratt explains,

“Angels and all holy men perform all their miracles ... by being in “communication” with this divine substance. ... And the holy fluid, or spirit, being in communication with them all, goes forth to control the elements, and to execute all the mandates which are legally issued, and in accordance with the mind and wisdom of the Great Elohim. . . . This agency being invisible and the effect visible, the act performed appears to those who are unacquainted with spiritual agency, as a miracle, or an effect without a cause.”[10]


 Science is also coming out with validation for Energy Medicine’s philosophy.  M. Darren Gregor wrote an article titled “Exploring the Next Level of Healing for Humanity” that explains:

A new science is emerging that is changing out traditional understanding of health and healing. The latest scientific research is focusing on experiments that seek to quantify the effects of a newly accessible comprehensive spectrum of energy, light and information on human beings. This new healing spectrum is referred to by researchers today as The Reconnective Healing Spectrum.

Leading the way in this research is an international team of world-renowned scientists including such research luminaries as William Tiller, PhD, Gary Schwartz, PhD, and Konstatin Korotkov, PhD, with their studies of the Reconnective Healing frequencies. . . .

Konstantin Korotkov, Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University, Russia. . . . has studied Human Energy Fields for over 40 years and his research team has developed a camera that is able to photograph these energy fields.” [11]

Dr. James Oschman is another witness about light, He states, “The body emits light, sound, heat, and electromagnetic fields and, like all other matter, it has a gravitational field. . . .In a few decades scientists went from a conviction that there is no such thing as an energy field around the human body to a certainty that such fields exist and are medically important.”[12]  Pioneers like this who dare to question science’s prevailing logic can be accused of pseudo-science even before their peers will look at their cutting-edge research. We applaud their bravery! Dr. William Tiller says in his own words:

About 1970, in parallel with my orthodox science as a full professor with tenure at Stanford University in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, I decided to help create a bridge of scientific understanding, that seamlessly joined orthodox science at one end, progressed through the domains of (1) the human psyche, (2) the domain of emotion, (3) the domains of mind and (4) becomes firmly implanted in the bedrock of spirit at the other end. This was performed outside of the university because such a topic was significantly frowned upon by all university communities in today’s world.[13] 

Dr. William Tiller, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University is the author of eight books and 250 scientific papers. He explains what his research shows about a communicating light.

There are many energies involved in light. There is, of course, electromagnetic light, which everyone knows about. The coarsest level of the human body is all about electromagnetic energy. So you can use  light  in  the  way  it's  used  in  energy  medicine,  especially  on  acupuncture  points,  to  systemically provide healing in the body. Or you can go to a higher level... magnetoelectric energy. That has an aspect of light as well. And at all of these higher dimensional levels there is a light which is the communicator between the aspects of substance at that level of being.”

I have come to the view that we are always radiating and receiving from each other on many, many bands, and  the  only  band  that  our  present  science  knows  about  is  the  electromagnetic  one.  The higher dimensional bands are not yet quantitatively available to us because the instruments we have are designed  primarily  on  the  electric  atom  molecule  level  of  reality,  and  therefore  confined  to radiations that go slower or equal to the velocity of electromagnetic light. But, in the reference frame that I use to understand the experiments that I've been dealing with for 35 years, and that other people have been doing as well, many of these [energies], I feel, travel faster than the velocity of light and therefore cannot be accessed by the conventional instruments. . . .

We've also developed an instrument now which can access these higher dimensional levels of reality. It's  just  a  beginning,  but  at  least  it's  one  in  which we  can  have  a  readout.  That's  very important so that we can begin to monitor the space in which healers work and describe the level of effectiveness of what  they're doing on an energy level, in terms of a quantitative measurement  of that  particular space. [14]

It is exciting that Dr. Tiller invented this measuring instrument. He was talked into doing an experiment with it at an energy healing workshop only because it was located close by. The readout was so impressive he repeated the experiment five times. He comments here about what was discovered while scientifically measuring the energy changes at workshops of Eric Pearl’s healing modality, Reconnective Healing.

So, when Eric [Pearl] talks about Reconnective Healing, then really what is happening is that many kinds of energy and light are flowing through the healer and into the healee. In other words, what we're talking about is bringing it beyond just what has been classically known as energy healing into a broader spectrum of energy, light and information. Interestingly, we now know that the body heals through frequency, vibration and resonance and it’s communicated through light. So the fact the Reconnective frequencies contain an element of light is very significant. [15]

Yes, that element of light is significant! Religious sources have been speaking about such a universal healing essence much longer than modern science has been studying it. While science attempts to discover the link between consciousness and subtle light energy, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can be confident of it. Pres. John Taylor explained about Jesus Christ, “He is the light of the stars and the power by which they were made. He says it is the same light that enlightens the understanding of men. What, have we a mental light and a visual light, all proceeding from the same source? Yes, so says the scripture, and so says science when rightly comprehended.”[16] From this and several other prophets’ teachings we understand it is intelligence in Jesus Christ’s light that is the life force energy keeping us alive, guiding our intelligent body systems, composing the very record that communicates distantly and instantaneously.[17]

Working in the field of Energy Medicine, we begin to understand what it means to “present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind….” (Romans 12:1-2) Our minds are not just inside our brains, they are not even confined to our bodies! They are more like a field of energy. William Tiller, PhD explains, “Evidence from Princeton and other research centres around the world also show that human consciousness is a non-local energy force that can influence living and non-living systems and it can create order.”[18] Dr. Tiller and his team’s decades of research discovered there are two levels of physical reality![19] 

Darla Isackson and Peggy McFarland, MS, LCPC, continue their summary of principles of a healing light in their series of articles on treating depression:

A new concept we want to add is this: Disease, including depression, begins at the quantum level. Quantum is the smallest known quantity, which is vibration or energy. Medical treatment that aims to heal the physical body, deals only with the symptoms. The core of our symptoms exists at the quantum energy level. In energy science we say: “Where the energy goes, the body follows.” It is an eternal principle that things are first created spiritually before they manifest physically (Moses 3:7). When a medical treatment fails to relieve symptoms, it is evidence that the body needs relief at the quantum (spirit and emotion) level. This is especially true for depression. . . .

Over a period of 5,000 years, Eastern healers developed a meticulously documented understanding of how life-force energy flows in the body. Dr. David Feinstein explains, “Your body is composed of energy pathways and energy centers that are in a dynamic interplay with your cells, organs, moods, and thoughts.”[[20]] In modern times, research from pioneering scientists, psychologists, and doctors such as William Tiller, Bruce Lipton, Candace Pert, Fred Gallo, Roger Callahan, David Feinstein, and Dawson Church, all PhDs, along with many, many others, have demonstrated that it is the subtle energy system, fed by a universal intelligence or life force energy that intelligently guides the thousands of marvelous processes accomplished by our cells.

Although we may not see this intricate system of finer, purer matter which flows through the “subtle energy system” of our bodies, it plays an essential role in our health. Dis-ease at all levels originates from blocks or disruptions in our subtle energy system. Getting to the root cause, or source is vital…[[21]]

A validating statement for energy pathways and life-force energy flowing in the body comes from Orson Pratt. This apostle taught, “When our human machinery is out of order, God understands all about it; and he is the best physician that can be employed.  . . . . He imparts to this machinery his holy spirit which circulates through the whole body, and promotes health and strength in the individual. But how apt are we to apply to inferior physicians.” [22]  

Peggy McFarland, MS, LCPC is an integrative mental health counselor who teaches at a university now. She included Emotional Freedom Technique and other mind/body methods in her private practice.  She explains the need for using such new technology that is available:

I have a little theory I call the ‘Naked Lamanite Theory’ which explains why we often find ourselves light-starved despite our best efforts. …We read about numerous conflicts between the Lamanites and Nephites. When the Lamanites showed up to battle “naked,” (with only a loin cloth and crude weapons), the Nephites didn’t need much armor or much better weapons to win the battle. However, when the Lamanites were prepared with armor, entrenchment, and more sophisticated weapons, the Nephites had to up the level of their preparation and quality of their weapons to win the battle. The laws we live …may have been just fine for less challenging times. They may have worked well for our parents; but, in our day, we are up against the most advanced and sophisticated forms of evil that have ever existed in this world and we need more armor and more “weapons” (knowledge, tools, power) in order to prevail against the challenges that bombard us. We need to add to our arsenal of strategies to support us spiritually, emotionally, and physically. [23]

We aim to arm you with “knowledge, tools and power” you may not have considered before to win the battle of light over darkness. The woman we mentioned, who had lived in the 100-year-old house, said “Thank you for talking with me, I hadn’t recognized the repetitive “crisis” for what it is - [the influence of evil spirits]. It’s been exactly that. So, I was grateful you brought some light on that.”  After applying some of the suggestions that are in this book she wrote, “I have felt a HUGE shift! Truly a host of devils have been removed.”[24]  We give all credit and glory to Jesus Christ and his life giving light and infinite Atonement for any clearing done!


The vital life force energy, the light of life that the world calls Chi, has more than one name in religious terminology. Sometimes, it is referred to as “virtue,” such as here: “And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.” (Luke 6:19) Joseph Smith compared the virtue that left Jesus Christ when a woman touched the hem of the Lord’s garment with the spirit of life. Lynne Wilson points out a story about this. She wrote, “[Joseph] Smith’s journal entries dated March 14, 1843, described a different gift of healing which turned into a healing of both the body and the spirit.”

Elder Jedediah M. Grant enquired of me the cause of my turning pale and losing strength last night while blessing children. I told him that I saw that Lucifer would exert his influence to destroy the children that I was blessing, and I strove with all the faith and spirit that I had to seal upon them a blessing that would secure their lives upon the earth; and so much virtue went out of me into the children, that I became weak, from which I have not yet recovered; and I referred to the case of the woman touching the hem of the garment of Jesus. . . .The virtue here referred to is the spirit of life; and a man who exercises great faith in administering to the sick, blessing little children, or confirming, is liable to become weakened. (History of the Church, 5:303)[25]

Joseph Smith taught that virtue can refer to the “spirit of life.” No wonder Proverbs 31:10 teaches, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.”! One facilitator said: Years ago, my husband would complain about me spending time doing ‘energy work.’ I’ve tried to help him understand it is a SPIRITUAL work – a time for me to work on increasing my faith, to literally practice the expanded meaning of “virtue”. Elder Quentin L. Cook said the root word for “virtue” could be interpreted as “power.”[26] Brigham Young expands our understanding of “virtue” by explaining that we can share the essence of virtue, or the spirit of life, with another person:

When I lay hands on the sick, I expect the healing power and influence of God to pass through me to the patient, and the disease to give way. . . .  When we are prepared, when we are holy vessels before the Lord, a stream of power from the Almighty can pass through the tabernacle of the administrator to the system of the patient, and the sick are made whole; the headache, fever or other disease has to give way. My brethren and sisters, there is virtue in us if we will do right; if we live our religion, we are the temples of God wherein he will dwell. [27]

Why did we write this book? Because the reader can learn practical helps to aid in filling with intelligence in the light of Christ, the essence that keeps us alive and is the light and the life of our bodies! With this book, victims as well as facilitators can add to their toolbox of strategies. Darla Isackson and Peggy McFarland point out, “The new paradigms and interventions emerging from the science of our subtle energy systems are truly exciting! They have given birth to profoundly effective and rapid interventions for healing emotional and physical disease that complement and enhance the effectiveness of traditional healing strategies.”[28]

Lynne Wilson explains further, “The Doctrine and Covenants calls attention to the fact that the gifts of the Spirit are to serve others (which it repeats 5 times) and to defend against Satan’s counterfeits or evil gifts or unclean things (D&C 46:8, 26). . . .” [29] This book you are reading is an added witness of such spiritual gifts and adds insight to those who seek after these gifts. Many of the contributors to this book didn’t think we had spiritual gifts related to healing until we studied and began using techniques in the field of Energy Healing. We are grateful that the Lord’s spirit led us to study these - what some consider to be unorthodox methods.

We are very comfortable studying the subjects of life force energy and Energy Medicine’s techniques for Pres. Brigham Young said, “Learn everything that the children of men know, and be prepared for the most refined society upon the face of the earth, then improve upon this until we are prepared and permitted to enter the society of the blessed.”[30] As you will see, this book includes teachings from the ‘world’ improved upon by believers of Jesus Christ.

Elder Robert D. Hales explains what the Light of Christ can do for us, “With this spiritual light we no longer wander… discouraged, depressed and fearful. . . . The light of Christ is our protection and salvation from the darkness of the adversary. . . . We need eyes that see the Light of Christ.”[31]

“Behold, we are surrounded by demons, yea, we are encircled about by the angels of him who hath sought to destroy our souls.  Behold our iniquities are great. O Lord, canst thou not turn away thine anger from us? And this shall be your language in those days.” Hel. 13:37

“Those days” are upon us. There is efficacy to these techniques that invite light in to us because of our Savior. There is efficacy to humble prayer--and there is more power in our prayers when we are educated on what more we can pray for!

We have seen Spiritual Repatterning processes and modalities make major shifts for people. Lives dramatically change. People find hope again. They feel a peace inside. They regain their spiritual light and control of their lives. Estranged family suddenly phone. Terror leaves. Heaviness, resistance or pressure on the body are gone. People’s countenances change dramatically. Thoughts are clearer. Clients report that their lives improve. It gets quieter “inside.” Continual low “static” noise leaves. Victims witness that demons and devils leave. Victims sense programming leaving body parts. Victims tell us they feel free. Relationships with others may mend.   

Sometimes there are physical signs of progress with integrative techniques. Discomfort leaves. Skin that never healed for years, does. Many people sigh, yawn, and tingle in their hands and feet during suggested processes. Others notice warmth or a coolness. Some people get sweaty palms or release in a more auditory or visual way. People have suddenly had a fleeting metal taste in their mouth (which we’ve been told signifies a hold on heavy metals is loosed to clear.) Some facilitators witness that while clearing out from the body the stored energy of sexual abuse, some clients spontaneously vomit. This has suddenly occurred during or following a session of release work. People jubilantly exclaim how much lighter and brighter they feel inside. That is because we CAN fill with light. We are receptacles for Christ’s healing light!

We invite you to see for yourself.

[1] “All Good Cometh of God,” Conference Report, April 1957, 62-64

[2] Oak Norton, “Health and Healing Blessings,” Scripturenotes.com

[3] Jack Hayford, Penetrating the Darkness, 143

[4] Elder Larry R. Lawrence “Prepared to Face the Adversary,” LDS Business College

[5] Lynell Beckstrom, Therapeutic Approach to Ritualized Trauma, 31

[6] International Tribunal for Natural Justice, The Westminster Seatings, April 16, 2018

[7] Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind Body Medicine,187

[8] Isackson & McFarland, “Introduction to Light or Energy Based Therapies,” ldsmag.com  

[9] James E. Talmage, The Articles of Faith, 161-62, emphasis added

[10] Parley P. Pratt, Key to the Science of Theology,107

[11] Gregor, M. Darren “Exploring the Next Level of Healing for Humanity”

[12] James L. Oschman PhD, “Science and the Human Energy Field”

[13] “Some Tiller Working Hypotheses” 

[14] “Professional Comments and Research”

[15]  William Tiller, PhD, Interview with Dr. William Tiller, emphasis added.

[16] Pres. John Taylor qtd. in Journal of Discourses, 18:327-328

[17] For a more in depth understanding from a gospel perspective see Tamara Laing, Healing Arts-A Gift from God (LDS Insight on the Light of Christ & Energy Medicine).

[18] WIlliam Tiller, “Science Overview”

[19] “Using Subtle Energy to Benefit Our World,”

[20] David Feinstein, PhD, Donna Eden, & Gary Craig; The Promise of Energy Psychology. 3.

[21] Exploring Options for the Treatment of Depression, Part Five: “‘Let There Be Light’: Introduction to Light or Energy Based Therapies,” ldsmag.com

[22] Masterful Discourses of Orson Pratt, comp. by Lundwall, 490

[23] Isackson & McFarland, “Let There   Be Light’: Introduction to Light or Energy Based Therapies”

[24] Email to author 6/18/18

[25] Lynne Wilson, "Joseph Smith's Doctrine of the Holy Spirit…” 215, emphasis added

[26] Cook, “Foundations of Faith,” Ensign, May 2017

[27] Journal of Discourses 14: 72-73

[28] Isackson & McFarland; “‘Let There Be Light’: Introduction to Light or Energy Based Therapies”

[29] Lynne Wilson, "Joseph Smith's Doctrine of the Holy Spirit …” 313

[30] Journal of Discourses 16:11

[31] Elder Robert D. Hales, “That Ye May Be the Children of Light,” BYU, 3 Nov. 1996