An LDS Approach to
Energy Healing


Discover how to clear trapped emotions and trauma through the EYES. Learn to SEE generational issues shift and what scripture calls "darkness" leave.

Step by step instructions are given on how to do Deep Emotion Release (DER) to clear trauma, unprocessed emotions and inherited family patterns. Here is a powerful, energy healing modality in a book where all credit for healing goes to God. Deep Emotion Release uses specific intent and higher consciousness processes such as forgiveness, gratitude and praise while gazing deeply with love in the eyes.

"The light of the body is the eye." (Matt. 6:22) Deep Emotion Release is an elegant, spiritual tool for integrative health self-care. This process may also be used to help others, even remotely, for long distance healing work. The book includes a comprehensive collection of quotes and scriptures about generational healing or overcoming covenant curses spoken of in the Bible - the dysfunctional family patterns passed down in the DNA.

From the Author

My second book is much more hands on than my first. (My blue book is full of prophet quotes and scriptures validating every foundational principle used in the field of energy medicine.) This book has detailed instructions on how to do Deep Emotion Release (DER) to clear emotions, trauma and family patterns through the eyes. It's a how to book!

There are step-by-step instructions on how to do DER on yourself or others. This is my favorite method to clear Generational Issues, and does so through the eyes because the light of the body is the eye. It is what the spirit has taught me to do over 12 years as I've worked with family, neighbors, and several hundred clients. It has practical steps on how to "dance in the rain" even while life's seeming chaos surrounds us.

An LDS Approach to Energy Healing

Chapters Include:

Chapter 1 Power

Chapter 2 About Doctrine

Chapter 3 Spiritual Gifts

Chapter 4 Deep Emotion Release

Chapter 5 Higher Consciousness: Forgiveness, Gratitude and Praise in all things

Chapter 6 Faith Talk Statements and Imageries

Chapter 7 Charity is a Purifier

Chapter 8 Quotes about Eyes

Chapter 9 My Dream

Chapter 10 About Mental Illness

Chapter 11 Stories about Generational Releasing

Chapter 12 Generational Quotes from General Authorities and Scripture

Chapter 13 Generational Quotes from LDS Authors

Chapter 14 Generational Quotes from Other Authors

Chapter 15 Darkness vs. Light

Chapter 16 Proxy and Distance Healing

Chapter 17 The Last Days


Here is what people are saying about my book…


"Love this book. I use it in my own RET practice. The forgiveness session alone is invaluable. Miraculous results."

- Paula

This book has extremely rewarding material. [Learn to] help yourself, your family members and others. It will serve as a guide for people for years to come. What a gift Tamara has shared within these pages -- ways to heal from the past so that we can move forward in strength and become who we were sent to earth to become.”

- Sabrina Potter

“Tamara's testimony comes off the pages. Beautiful and powerful! I hung onto every word. I had a hard time putting the book down. The truth testified in this book brings the Spirit. I felt as if the veil was lifted off my eyes, my mind and heart. I began to feel and see things as they truly are. What a gift! Thank you for testifying of powerful truths. We all need to know that energy healing is from God.”

- Kimberly Watts

“Tamara Laing is all about the processes needed to establish Zion before the coming of our Lord and Savior, of which perhaps even the major part will be played by the sisters of the church as they give spiritual birth to a new “Zion society” that is able to receive Jesus Christ into its midst. I sense that a big portion of her audience is indeed the sisters/midwives of this birthing process as she empowers them to awake to their end-time roles and bring to pass the wonderful transformation among the saints that is presently so needed and pressing. The brethren will learn to adore such sister-facilitators as Tamara when they see and feel themselves transitioning to becoming “men of Israel” and “saviors on Mount Zion.” Congratulations, Tamara, on this timely and compelling book that is a boon to the saints!”

- Avraham Gileadi, PhD

“Sharing the mightiness of her gift of pen and the ability to gather and synthesize powerful quotes into coherent fluidity, Tamara’s work and testimony will once again change lives profoundly. I plan to read this book again and again!”

- Holli R. Oram, M.S. Psychology

“Tamara, thank you for being in tune with the Spirit and willing to follow its promptings to educate and testify!”

- Kathy Truman

“What a wonderful book you’ve created! Your gift of faith and pure heart will be valuable tools to help others.”

- Ashley Parkinson

“Thank you. I loved reading this book. It was so informative and helpful, filling me with confidence about what I know and do.”

- Becky

“You have written a very powerful book!”

- Karen T.

"People who have been abused are beginning to heal just by reading your book."

- Name withheld

"Tamara's topic is truly life changing! How to get out of "false traditions of our fathers..." Here is wisdom on becoming the 'Elect' of God: what it is, and 'how do I get there?'"

- Robin Young


Testimonials about
Deep Emotion Release

"Deep Emotion Release was one of the more memorable experiences I've had [with energy work.] The love that came to my heart was overwhelming, a pivotal moment."

–Liberty H. MRET

"The forgiveness work [in this book] has changed my life and my marriage."

–Paula 'Sister of the same mission'

"I met with Tamara for a Rapid Eye Technology session. While that modality was effective, Tamara made a suggestion to try something different, and recommended we do a DER method she felt would work better for me. The experience I had was profound. Very quickly, I was able to feel a deeper connection that allowed for a stronger divine connection using DER. She was able to connect me to the Divine, and bring in [shifts] where previous modalities could not. I suspect, this largely was related to my spiritual orientation and gifts, and preferred the approach to other experiences. Her use of DER was profoundly different from other experiences, and I was deeply grateful."


“I have done Deep Emotional Release with Tamara Laing. She is a very gifted teacher and practitioner who cares about her clients. I have studied over 20 different modalities and this one goes deep[ly] into the layers of generational issues. It helps to shift and clear myself of generational baggage. I felt peaceful and relieved after these sessions. Tamara is trustworthy, spiritually gifted, and has empathy for me.”


“I want to say that I am grateful for becoming aware of energy healing through Tamara. I listened to her twice at an expo with an open mind to learn. After listening to her, I felt that it was something that I should pursue. These ideas are different than what we are accustomed to thinking. My dear wife has benefited greatly and has a better health level by applying these principles that we have read and studied. I bought Tamara's book Healing Arts A Gift From God and Remembering Wholeness by Carol Tuttle.

“My dear wife saw a big change for the better even after her first visit with Tamara. There is definitely something to the DER and RET principles that have been applied. I am grateful to see someone who I dearly love find a pathway to relief from suffering. There is more yet to learn and apply but we do know that there is power available to us that may yet be untapped. There is no end to the power of the mind through our faith in God and His power that He grants unto those who humbly seek it. I feel that the power of miracles will increase in the days ahead. It is up to us to make it happen. I hope that I may be an instrument for good to bless people's lives.”


“There are angels among us and you are one of them. Thank you so much!”


"I am reading your [new] book and love the stories, examples and scriptures. You have done so much research and awesome study to find this information. I sure appreciate all that you contribute to me and this planet."
