Healing Arts - A Gift From God

Finally! Energy healing from a Christian/LDS view. A mother's search to help her ill daughter with bipolar leads to astonishing answers and LDS insight on Energy Healing. Nearly 500 full-color illustrations compare world views with scriptures and words of prophets.

A sampling of illustrated quotes inside the book Healing Arts - A Gift from God.

Book now available in perfect binding from Amazon or coil binding here to lay flat.

Puzzling questions are answered:

  • Do prophets speak about life force energy?

  • Are auras & chakras in the Bible?

  • Are energy healing principles harmonious with LDS beliefs?

  • Do scriptures teach about thoughts/emotions affecting the body?

  • Does "darkness" have anything to do with illness?

  • Do scriptures address generational issues or long-distance healing?

Consciousness is highlighted along with forgiveness, gratitude, and praise in all things. Here is a valuable reference manual with a broad collection of validating quotes. It will be greatly appreciated by clients, facilitators of healing arts, and the spiritually gifted -- as well as those who may not understand them. Read this book and become an enlightened health consumer!

From the Forward:

"With her new book, Healing Arts, Tamara Laing has introduced major groundbreaking insights into the whole field of energy medicine. . . . Tamara Laing has been able to bring together the philosophies of religion and the philosophies of science, recognizing that the reality is often simply a difference in terminology and not concept. . . . Healing Arts is an extremely well-referenced treatise. Tamara Laing draws from a great number of separate sources to create a fluid, enlightening, and fascinating read. I love it. I challenge you to expand your perspective, open your heart and mind, and enjoy the inspiration in these pages. This is a treasure trove of healing."

–Stan Gardner, M.D., CNS

Healing Arts - A Gift from God
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“Healing Arts - A Gift From God is the best collection known to me of quotations supporting energy healing from both a scientific and LDS viewpoint. Tamara's painstaking research is both broad and deep, covering a surprisingly wide spectrum of sources. This book is easy reading and truly enlightening.” — John P. Pratt

“Your mission may be to save the energy workers from the challenges of the uninformed. I am very grateful for your diligence.”— Anonymous Source

"It was validating to the extreme to what I had been feeling and couldn't find anywhere else." —Linda in Lakeside, AZ

"Thank you very much for the book. You have opened up other avenues of learning for me. Knowledge is awesome when used wisely."—Cary in Nibley, Utah

"Thank you so much for writing this book. I feel so much clarity after studying from it!" —Erica in Utah

“This book has so much light in it!” — Lynette in Cody, WY

“Tamara put years of research into this book (as the eight pages of references attest.) I was deeply inspired and uplifted at the first reading. I'm looking forward to re-reading it, and will keep it handy! I believe it will enlighten minds and open hearts. Thank you Tamara!” —Holli in Kaysville, UT

“Thank you so much for writing, publishing and sharing your book! I received it last week and have already read it twice! I love it! So inspiring! The ideas flow so beautifully. Thank you.” —Lori in Rexburg, ID

“Thank you for bringing all of this wonderful info together! Amazing!” —Marnae in Grantsville, UT

“Thank you for all your research! Bless you for your endeavors in helping bring energy medicine out of the shadows!” —Loretta in Huntington Beach, CA

"Thank you for your example. Your work and book is paving the way, and creating courage to go forward for all of us." —Jill in South Ogden, UT

"I ordererd the book [and] could not put it down. WOW! You have really done quite a bit of research and this must have taken you A TON of time to put together. It is totally inspired. I have used some of the things from the book and seen instant results. Thank you so much. I am grateful for your inspired obedience in compiling and writing this book. I will never be the same. Thank you!" —Tammy in Garland, UT

“I praise God for guiding me to your website... to know if I can righteously use ‘The Healing Arts’ with my family. Reading your book gave me such a huge spiritual ‘upgrade.’” — Rachel in Los Angeles, CA

"There is a tremendous amount of information gathered into this book!" — Dr. Kenneth West

"This book sealed the beliefs I have to align me with the church." — Carol Nash, recent convert

"Even though I felt drawn to use "new" therapies for my growth and healing, I was always a little unsure of their origin and "acceptability" within the LDS Church. After years of many unanswered questions, I have found solid answers in Tamara Laing's book Healing Arts - A Gift From God. I have never seen anyone ever address the topic of "energy healing" from an LDS perspective that gives so much solid scientific information.

"This is groundbreaking! Especially for those who are more prone to skepticism. . . . This book contains a marriage between LDS theology of the "Light of Christ" and the scientifically recognized "Energy Fields" that surround, give life to, and control the human body...

"As believers in the power of the Atonement and that Christ is the source of all healing, I had asked questions like: What is the "Light of Christ" as spoken of in the Book of Mormon in comparison to Oriental "Chi" that flows through everything? What about prana? What is an aura? Where are my emotions really stored? How do I change my feelings about a negative situation when I feel powerless to make a difference? This book will answer all such questions.

"The information in Tamara's book will help overcome prejudice, ignorance, and fear about healing therapies. Not only will you gain greater respect and hope in promises of healing the Lord gives through scriptures and prophets but also a foundational understanding of scientific "discoveries" that substantiate what we already know from scripture. I believe that Tamara is a pioneer for laying the foundation for a new era of healing among all who have faith to be healed. This is a must read for anyone looking for further light and knowledge in the area of healing illness: emotional or physical. 'By the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.' Here are two witnesses on healing (prophets and science); you can be the third." — Shauna in Taylorsville, UT

"I love what Tamara has offered our world, specifically, in creating a bridge from something that is new and unfamiliar to something that is familiar and fits with my understanding of Truth and light. I am grateful for her study and preparation to share the truths God wants her to share.” — Addie in Kaysville, UT

“How blessed we are by your hands, heart, and the work you have given us through your book.” — Marne in Brigham City, UT


Introduction to Energy Medicine

Chapter 1 The Sea of Light Energy

The universal energy that physicists have discovered is what
Latter-day Saints refer to as intelligence in the light of Christ.

Chapter 2 Light Energy Heals

Apostles and prophets on the subjects of a subtle, invisible essence that
heals and can be shared, on women healing, long distance healing . . .

Chapter 3 Wheels of Light Intelligence

Energy centers called "chakras" appear to be in the Bible! The light of truth shines.

Chapter 4 The Light of Consciousness

Prophets say "Thoughts are things" that actually affect our physical being and health.
The Light of Christ manifests as consciousness.

Chapter 5 Mapped Light of Emotion

Scriptural examples of emotion affecting people physically. Forgiveness, gratitude,
and praise in ALL things raises ones level of consciousness, which benefits health.

Chapter 6 Chase Darkness with Light

"You may chase darkness from among you." Put on the armor of light. Scriptural warnings.

Chapter 7 Light in the Healing Arts

Principles on light, energy, information, frequency. Techniques and self help
tools including validating religious quotes on essential oils, crystals, generational issues. . .