Tamara Tamara

More on our story

Unlike orthodox medicine that operates from the mind set of "person= body", Energy Medicine works from the viewpoint of "person = body + mind + spirit." It is often a spiritual therapy as it balances, clears and re-patterns one’s Energy system.

As I read dozens of books related to Energy Medicine I kept finding underlying principles that fit within my religious beliefs. I also found teachings on occasion that were not at all congruent with LDS beliefs. I am grateful to be a member of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" which embraces all truth.

Synchronicity happened so often that I felt an assurance that God wanted me to experience the learning curve I was on. If what my daughter and my family had to go through saves anyone else any angst, then the trials we went through were all the more worthwhile.

My youngest daughter experienced severe depression, panic attacks, roller coaster mood swings and a diagnosis I had never heard of before: Schizo-Affective Disorder Bipolar Type. We endured years with living nightmares in the daytime and darkness. The only answers medical doctors had were drugs and counseling. However, these conventional methods still left her very ill and often suicidal. She was cutting herself, and her manic and suicidal tendencies sometimes necessitated phoning the police.

The bi-polar type illness was affecting my marriage and our entire family. Her sister didn’t dare live in the same house with her for a time. Over time I became depressed myself, as many parents of chronically ill children will relate to. Sundays were often difficult for me. I didn't think I could share what was really going on with ward members. My other children claimed that I cried every week at church. Yet, I never let go of my faith in God. I fasted often, sometimes every Sunday during rough months. I prayed frequently during the day for help. My religious convictions got me through a lot of turmoil. I knew there was a God in heaven and he did hear my prayers. Our trials continued so occasionally I wondered if we were somehow forgotten.

A priesthood blessing from our very new and young Bishop told my daughter to pray and read her scriptures because "answers were to be found there." At first I was disappointed with such advice. She had such enormous trials that initially I felt this was a very ‘generic’ blessing. However, I repented of that thought and took the Lord’s counsel through our Bishop to heart. We had been promised answers in the scriptures. Not help, but answers! And in time we found them.

The most obvious reason I believe there is authentic help in Energy Medicine is that it was the insistence of the Holy Spirit that began my journey of learning about it in the first place. A quiet whispering repeatedly told me to call a friend I hadn’t kept in touch with. I didn’t understand how a stay-at-home mom could possible be of much help for severe trials as dramatic as ours were, but I finally phoned her. Sobbing, I related our daughter’s suicidal tendencies and the horrendous side effects of various medications. Then my friend said something that still stands out in my mind as being profoundly important. "So, you’ve only looked for help in the medical field?" she asked. Startled, I answered "Yes, of course. What else is there?!" She said there was a whole other field of medicine. "Really?" I asked incredulously. "Yes, it is called Energy Medicine," she replied in a matter-of-fact way. She said it was an alternative but complementary treatment. We could investigate it while continuing to follow doctors orders. I was willing to look into it further because my friend was entirely full of integrity. Besides that, my child was frighteningly ill, the medical field wasn’t helping, and honestly- I was desperate.

I am extremely grateful that I was blessed to find out about Energy therapies! What a HUGE blessing being open-minded about its possibilities proved to be! Its procedures saved my personal heartbreak, probably my daughter’s life, and saved my family from ripping apart. It affected miracles for us. I believe that the Lord has led me on my path of discovery. We were prompted to find incredible help for our daughter at sessions with therapists who used various forms of Energy techniques. This scenario was repeated over and over again. These therapist’s integrity was more of a concern to me than which of the various modalities they used, although I am selective about that also.

The alternative help they offered was truly an answer to our prayers! My daughter was much happier and I felt physically lighter after sessions of Rapid Eye, like a heavy weight had been lifted from me. Besides the clearing technology used in sessions, new education was important. We learned to apply universal principles, such as skills for positive living taught in "Life Skills" classes by Rapid Eye Technicians. These principles settled comfortably with our Christian/LDS beliefs. In time, our daughter experienced healing at an Energy therapy session, although I credit all of her Energy sessions as having a cumulative effect.

As an Energy Technician myself now, I am blessed to see the difference these sessions make in the lives of many others. It is a joy to hear the wonderful benefits that friends and family report. I love that the field I work in takes a spiritual view of our bodies. I am still amazed at the difference even a few sessions can make in a person’s life. I want to help get the word out. Sometimes I want to stand on the street corner and shout to the world, "There is hope! There is help available that many people haven’t even heard of!" I hope that soon the wisdom of the East will be combined with the wisdom of the West so that even more suffering people will be able to find the help and healing they seek.

I want to make sure the reader knows I am not against mainstream conventional medicine. There is absolutely a need for it. It has been a blessing to my family. However, we need to make room for methods that get to the root of problems instead of just focusing on symptom relief. Our society has moved away from treating the whole person. We are not just physical bodies! There is a revolution going on influencing how today’s medical community looks at illness. It requires a shift in perception. A new mind set is needed that includes the truth that we are multi-dimensional beings.

Energy Medicine may be able to help you or a loved one. Perhaps this is a new concept to you, as it was for me years ago. An amazing thing for me was discovering that the help I found for my daughter was also helpful for numerous kinds of issues. Energy techniques release blocks that contribute to physical illness and problems, emotional patterns like depression, anxiety, anger, addictions, and a multitude of difficult life situations as well as abuse and trauma. Other amazing occurrences for me have been seeing the subtle energy spoken of on numerous occasions. I know it is real.

All healing comes from the Savior, so you may be wondering if Energy Medicine’s principles are in line with the gospel of Christ. Having little information to go on, some people are prone to immediate doubt and suspicion. The Bible offers great and sensible keys to follow. "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." (Prov. 18:13) "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (1 Thes. 5:21) Joseph Smith said, "One of the grand fundamental principles of "Mormonism" is to receive truth, let it come from whence it may."(TPJS p313)

I believe answers to all of our questions can be found in the scriptures. They are what I measure truth and untruth against. I have searched for answers to my own questions about the field of Energy Medicine in them. Pres. Harold B. Lee wrote

"I say that we need to teach our people to find their answers in the scriptures. If only each of us would be wise enough to say that we aren’t able to answer any question unless we can find a doctrinal answer in the scriptures! And if we hear someone teaching something that is contrary to what is in the scriptures, each of us may know whether the things spoken are false—it is as simple as that. But the unfortunate thing is that so many of us are not reading the scriptures. We do not know what is in them, and therefore we speculate about the things that we ought to have found in the scriptures themselves. I think that therein is one of our biggest dangers of today." ("Find the Answers in the Scriptures" Ensign Dec. 1972 )
Of course I do not proclaim that what I have learned about is doctrine. I share it only as my viewpoint. You make your own choice- remembering that "... all things which are good cometh of God..." (Moroni 7:12)

Let’s look at what the Lord has said about questions you might have, and also consider what has been discovered about illness & healing. I hope that what I have found will dispel myths and shed light on a timely subject. My motive is simply to share the help I have found available. No matter how much you or a loved one is suffering, there is help available. Many people are not even aware that this help exists. Nothing has been sadder for me since our fiery trials than to watch loved ones go to the very best of medical specialists available and not get the relief they are seeking, yet not be open- minded enough to even try alternative options. I am very grateful to have found what I consider to be hidden treasures of knowledge. "And all Saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures." (D&C 89: 18-19) I certainly consider some of the information I have found to be hidden treasures.
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Tamara Tamara

Why Haven't I Heard of Energy Medicine before?

Since most doctors haven’t heard of the field of Energy Medicine, it’s no wonder that the public often hasn’t either. Here are quotes from doctors themselves on why the public often might not know about integrative forms of healing.

Burton Goldberg wrote an extensive book titled Alternative Medicine that shares his view. 
"Naturally, you are thinking, if these methods were really any good, doctors would be using them. But it takes time for new ideas to be accepted. Back in Vienna in the 1800s, one doctor had the audacity to suggest to his colleagues that they wash their hands after they finish working on cadavers, rather than using their unwashed hands to deliver babies. He knew this would keep the women and their babies alive, by sparing them infections. But his colleagues ridiculed him. It took them thirty years to catch on and wash their hands. Imagine how many babies died because of such doctors who thought they knew it all?"(Burton Goldberg, Alternative Medicine p7)

John R. Lee, M.D. expounds on 4 specific reasons for this state of affairs. He asks,"When people first hear about alternative medical treatments they often ask the obvious question. ‘If this treatment is so effective, why doesn’t my doctor know about it?’ "

#1 Medical students get high grades when they simply repeat in their tests exactly what the teacher wants them to say as opposed to students who question what they are being taught. Thus medical schools become filled with students who are good at adopting given wisdom, but not necessarily good at thinking and questioning, because they have learned to follow precepts handed to them by presumed authorities.

#2 Medical schools have organ-specific departments. The idea of an underlying link between departmentalized diseases is nonexistent in that framework. Nutrition affecting cell function is ignored or derided by department heads. [Thankfully, this has changed!]

#3 Doctors are rewarded monetarily for ‘rescue’ medicine that treats symptoms. There is scorn, not rewards for attempts to prevent illness or correct nutritional deficiencies.

#4 Insurance companies require sticking to the model. The definition of ‘malpractice’ is not if it was good or bad, but rather if what was in question is what other doctors in the given locality normally do or prescribe. Also, doctors naturally seek the professional and social approval of their peers, thus perpetuating the status quo.

Candace Pert, Ph.D. adds her witness as to why we may not have heard of this field of help from a scientist’s perspective.
"As a culture we are all in denial about the importance of psychosomatic causes of illness. ... Truly original, boundary breaking ideas are rarely welcomed at first, no matter who proposes them. Protecting the prevailing paradigm, science moves slowly, because it doesn’t want to make mistakes. Consequently, genuinely new and important ideas are often subjected to nitpickingly intense scrutiny, if not outright rejection and revulsion, and getting them published becomes a Sisyphean labor. But if the ideas are correct, eventually they will prevail. It may take, as in the case of the new discipline of psychoneuroimmunology, a good decade, or it may take much longer. But eventually, the new view becomes the status quo and ideas that were rejected as madness will appear in the popular press, often touted by the very critics who did so much to impede their acceptance. Which is happening today as a new paradigm comes into being." (Molecules of Emotion p19-20)

I think that same reasoning may explain what happens with church leaders. They don't want to make mistakes either! Again, caution unwittingly ends up protecting prevailing paradigms.  As a group, religious leaders move as slowly as science. They are to share truth with a capital "T"!  Not all  awaken to available new science at the same time. 

Peta Stapleton, PHD is a psychologist who explains my point:

"Finally, there is what is called a “translational gap”, where any new therapies take some time before they are considered standard care. The American Institute of Medicine says this takes about 17 years and only 20 percent of new therapies are accepted in mainstream. It is also suggested that it takes a decade for practitioners to adopt new approaches into their clinical practice after they have been approved (Dilling et al., Ploeg et al.)."  (Peta Stapleton, PhD, “The Energy Field,” Spring 2021)

So while there is increasing awareness of a larger transformational change in paradigms for science and healing for some people, others are totally unaware. It appears to me that those of us who have been led to energy healing and energy psychology are simply ahead of our time. This sits well with church leaders who are open to change or willing to look at evidence. However, some people are not ready or willing to think "outside of the box." This leads to some interesting interactions with local church leaders who are not aware of the limitations of their current world view.

I agree wholeheartedly with Burton Goldberg that we need individualized care.

"I’m not against mainstream, conventional medicine. The Chinese have a saying about the wisdom of "walking on both feet," which means using the best of Eastern and Western procedures. That’s what I want to see us do. There is no single approach that works for all people, or with all conditions. This goes for alternative medicine as well. Experience shows, that you’re likely to get the best results with a practitioner who has trained in a number of different modalities. There may be many underlying factors influencing your health- nutritional deficiency, poor digestion, toxicity from environmental pollutants, or mental and emotional stress. You want a practitioner who is capable of determining exactly what needs to be done to help you regain health and vitality. You also want an open-minded practitioner who treats you as an individual. What’s good for Harry is not necessarily good for Mary. You are biochemically unique. Here is a most important, optimistic, and totally realistic thought to carry with you. Most everything is reversible. You need only to find the right therapies. Be well!" (Alternative Medicine, p xxxviii)

William Campbell Douglass, M.D. wrote in his book Into The Light "Conventional medicine will not use nontoxic, bioenergetic methods, such as photo-oxidation, because conventional medicine has no concept of altering biological energy flow." (p 4-5) Pioneers in light therapy cured an incredible variety of afflictions. The future of light therapy seemed assured. "At about the same time, however, antibiotic treatment made its debut... since they had the additional advantage (to the medical community) of requiring the production of prescription drugs, they soon became the treatment of choice." (p 9)

Dr. Douglass also quotes from Dr. Ott who touches on skepticism: "The positive results obtained from the various pilot experiments ... produced, in each instance, a reaction of doubt and a suspicion of something not much short of witchcraft... To suggest that light entering the eyes could have any biological function other than producing vision was like seriously talking - [several decades] ago- of man's footprints some day being on the moon." (Into the Light p 194)

Likewise, David Feinstein, PhD says of Energy Psychology that even though it has amazing speed and effectiveness even with difficult cases "The acceptance, as might be expected, of any radically atypical approach has been slow within the broader psychotherapeutic community." 

It took me a while to gather courage to share my family's story of finding new clearing technology in public. I wish now that I had frankly told my daughter's psychiatrists, psychologists, and counselors (including High School counselors) about the benefits of the Energy healing treatments we were trying. That might have helped someone else by possibly opening some professional minds sooner. Ghandi said to be the change you want to see in the world. That is my intention now.  My advice is to let your doctor know about the help you find in integrative treatments. 

You may also be interested in reading "Tamara's Remarks about the Handbook Change." (coming soon) Insert link here:______
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