1. “Ethical conduct is vital to the integrity, authenticity and acceptance of alternative methods and energy healing practitioners as they participate in the larger health care and wellness industries. . . . Most energy healing practitioners make claims about their services and publish client testimonials on their websites. They do this for the purpose of advertising and promoting their practices. However, most of these practitioners are not aware that the use of claims and testimonials in advertising must comply with FTC laws and regulations, specifically Section 5 of the FTC Act (15 U.S.C. 45). . . . Many energy healing practitioners think they are safe because their websites are similar to all the others. This is unwise. . . . Practitioners mistakenly believe client testimonials are protected by the First Amendment. This is not the case.” Midge Murphy, Practice Energy Healing in Integrity: The Joy of Offering Your Gifts Legally & Ethically, 7, 130 -131

    2. ACEP's resources on ethics https://www.energypsych.org/ethics-resources

    3. Tamara Laing, Healing Arts - A Gift from God (LDS Insight on the Light of Christ & Energy Medicine). The paradox incident referenced is on page 11.

    4. Tamara Laing, "Faithful Answers to Criticism," Energy Healing Conference speech, SLC, UT, April 18, 2018. (Posted here on LaingBooks.com under Tamara's blog.) This has a more detailed version of the story about a woman called in to her Stake President's office as a result of a complaint by a client's husband.

    5. Bonus material: "To shift from an exclusively medical paradigm to a framework that includes touch and other forms of holistic healing does not mean that the insights, discoveries, and therapeutic devices of modern medicine will be discarded or diminished. Nor does the movement from medicine to healing mean returning to the Dark Ages or succumbing to quackery. Rather, rethinking the paradigm means freeing the law from conceptual and historical limitations, and opening to embrace a broader set of possibilities for the journey into health.” Michael Cohen, JD